This week is going to be awesome for 10 legends around Melbourne. There’s going to be some good weather and sure, they’re (mostly) all in ISO but when the mail comes around on Thursday, they are going to be loving themselves silly. All thanks to a ripper boss somewhere in corporate world who thought that a little thanks, appreciation and gin would be a nice way to thank the team for an awesome job, in pretty un-awesome conditions.
We love gifts. Love getting them, love giving them. Also, we know gifting on a larger scale can be nerve-wracking – will Jane in accounts be as into gin as everyone else? HELP! Stress less, give us a call and we can talk you through some options that can sort your corporate gifting for good, we make getting the gifting done easy for your business, club or committee or even family!
Our Winestore gift boxes are a great way to create custom hampers, fit three wine bottles or add books, chocolate and other treats to personalise the perfect gift.
Christmas or just because, we’ve got you.
Got questions? Check out some helpful tips here or phone, email or visit us at Shop 2, 86 Hitchcock Avenue, Barwon Heads for a chat.